How to increase employee retention with interactive training

Published by Florence on
Onboarding interactive training
For a company to find, hire, and train a replacement for a mid-level employee, it would cost approximately 150% of that employee’s annual salary, and for senior-level team members who may specialize in certain fields such as venture capital or private equity, that cost jumps to 400%... Read More

Pharma 4.0 : 3 must haves to succeed in your training strategy

Published by Florence on
Pharma training best practices
While most pharma graduates will leave college with enough skills vital to the industry, they still need to undergo training. Training enables these employees to give their best for their companies and in the right way.  Therefore, any company will ... Read More

Travel restrictions: 5 pitfalls for training and operations

Published by Elle Werle on
remote training
The impact of the current health crisis has affected us in many ways. And one of the most pressing concerns for businesses now is travel restrictions. In light of the current situation, interstate travel is limited as well as travel out of the country. If clear... Read More