How Merck reduced paper waste and errors from labor-intensive manual training?Read the use case
How Colgate leveraged Speach to move toward a digital factory and go paperlessRead the use case
How Airbus trained a large number of employees on technical gestures and operational excellence Read the use case
How Safran enhanced operational excellence and Safety with SpeachRead the use case
How Valeo reduced production incidents with Speach Read the use case
How BPCE group (130000 employees) became a learning organization by deploying an employee-generated learning culture?
How GE used Speach to capture senior's knowledge?Read the use case
How ADP anticipated the employees off boarding and transfered their know-how and expertise?Read the use case
How ArcelorMittal started a “paperless” approach thanks to video tutorials?Read the use case
How Aperam increased the value of their know-how and business knowledge?Read the use case
How can employees be trained quickly and efficiently in technical and safety procedures?Read the use case
How to facilitate the transmission of information in the field?Read the use case