Customer Story | BPCE

How has BPCE successfully trained a large workforce?

The Challenge

BPCE have a workforce 130,000 people strong. Training a workforce this large poses huge challenges. Previously, it was insurmountably difficult to set up the needed training programs. The costs were high to produce such materials, and they would quickly be outdated.

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Often, training materials were required to be updated sooner than the company was able to hire content makers to update it. BPCE was struggling to take the training concept from reality to the point where they could disseminate content on a large scale.

According to Pascal Aubert, Digital Learning Leader at BPCE, "I think that, for us, e-learning is over. We won't return to this. SCORM has too many constraints, it works one day and no longer the next (because of a browser or a system update). Speach always works."

Many orgs don’t own their training materials, but outsource that to a third party. The problem with this is that you need to wait several months to receive your customized trainings, and you cannot modify them afterwards because it was recorded and created by using tools that are not yours.

The Solution

BPCE discovered the Speach solution and quickly realized how easy it is to create speaches with what is already on hand. Better yet, they eliminated the costs and cumbersome tasks of hiring content creators, all while allowing themselves to update materials immediately when necessary.

From 2018 to 2020, BPCE held face-to-face trainings to present the Speach solution, to practice, and hold workshops. Right after this period, Covid happened and offices everywhere shut down. Luckily, BPCE was incredibly well-prepared to train remotely and develop habits to reach now-remote employees.

One and a half years later BPCE trained 400 people with a simple workshop to present Speach and its features. They could reach out widely into all different areas and trades of their company. From there, speaches were made for smaller teams of 10 or so people. This really helped make BPCE an agile learning organization.

Then came the real game-changer - the snowball effect. Once the first employees realized how easy and efficient it was to create and share speaches, through word-of-mouth they encouraged others to do so.

Employees genuinely see the value in Speach creation, and enjoy sharing and transferring their valuable knowledge and expertise. The idea of wanting to spread knowledge really caught on, instead of presenting information "at" people.

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BPCE found that speaches were easily transposable due to Speach's ability to translate captions. Suddenly they were able to present speach trainings to populations where previously it was much more difficult to train, since all training materials were in French.

Now, BPCE employees are creating speaches in Portugal, China, US, Dubai, Italy, Spain, England, Australia, the US, and more.

The results

Pascal notes that “Speach is a part of BPCE DNA now. Speach has become essential for us now. We can no longer unplug. It's like unplugging Microsoft."

Now, all new incoming BPCE employees watch a series of onboarding speaches. Aubert points out that new employees quickly realize that “everyone can do it. It's instant. It's very simple. It's exciting."

BPCE describes Speach to newcomers as an "internal YouTube ''that is better than YouTube because it includes videos, documents, chapters and subchapters, and more.” They internally market and publicize trainings, so there is plenty of communication, buzz, and preparation for new programs.

Now BPCE is a more agile organization that can rely on an internal economic model of training, as opposed to paying a surplus to design and deploy content.

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2,896Speaches created

"Speach has truly become a pillar for us that is essential for all knowledge sharing. It really accelerated the sharing of knowledge deep within the teams. We are in "Learning 2.0. "

Pascal Aubert, Digital Learning Leader

Main Advantages

Reduction in training

Travel and logistics costs are drastically reduced thanks to online training


Skill improvement guarantees the operational excellence of all employees

Training large numbers of new hires

All employees are onboarded through Speach video tutorials

Access on-demand

Speaches enable continuous learning and can be accessed on desktop, tablet or smartphone

Deliver the right information to the right employees when they need it