Customer Story | Total

How Total enhanced operational excellence and Safety with Speach

About Total

Total Energies, a leader in the global energy sector, embarked on an ambitious project known as the Total Industrial Mobility (TIM) program. This initiative aimed to revolutionize the workplace by providing operators with advanced mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. By the end of 2018, the program had successfully been implemented in 36 different facilities, benefiting nearly 2,000 users across a range of applications. This pioneering step not only demonstrated Total's commitment to applying LEAN methods in project management but also significantly optimized operations and enhanced employee safety. The integration of Speach's innovative training platform played a pivotal role in achieving these milestones, transforming complex procedures into accessible, multimedia training content for the workforce.


The Challenge

Total Energies faced several challenges in implementing the Total Industrial Mobility (TIM) program. A primary concern was efficiently training a large workforce on new technologies and processes, which was crucial for the program's success. Additionally, the need to standardize procedures across multiple facilities presented a significant hurdle. Ensuring employee engagement and adherence to these new standards was also a key objective. Overcoming these challenges was essential for Total Energies to enhance operational efficiency and maintain high safety standards in their facilities.

The Solution

To address these challenges, Total Energies turned to Speach's innovative training platform. Speach transformed the traditional, cumbersome training methods into efficient, engaging multimedia experiences. By leveraging Speach's capabilities, Total Energies could swiftly create and deploy tutorial videos focusing on essential processes, technical gestures, and various know-hows critical for plant operations. Additionally, Speach facilitated capturing the expertise of subject matter experts (SMEs), enabling peer-to-peer knowledge sharing. This solution was instrumental in standardizing procedures across facilities and ensuring employees had access to the exact micro-content they needed, right in the flow of their work.


The results

The outcomes and benefits of implementing Speach's platform in Total Energies' TIM program are significant:

Minimized Errors: Enhanced accuracy in operations, leading to improved safety standards.

Reduced Training Time and Costs: More efficient training processes, leading to cost savings.

Effective On-The-Job Training (OJT): Microlearning and multimedia techniques facilitated more engaging and impactful training.

Improved Standardization of Procedures: Consistent processes and ways of working across different facilities.

Enhanced Employee Engagement: Interactive and engaging training content led to increased employee involvement and satisfaction.

Knowledge Sharing and Retention: Easier capture and dissemination of SME expertise, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

These outcomes collectively contributed to a more efficient, safe, and cohesive operational environment within Total Energies.

1,324Number of Speach created

"As the Program Director of the Total Industrial Mobility (TIM) program at Total Energies, I am deeply impressed with the impact of Speach's platform on our operations. The intuitive and engaging training content has significantly enhanced our training efficiency. Our operators are now better equipped and more confident in handling new technologies. The ability to standardize procedures across multiple sites has been a key factor in maintaining our high safety and operational standards. Speach has truly been instrumental in the successful rollout of our TIM program."

François Dalemat, Program Director, TIM, Total Energies.

Main Advantages

Reduction in training

Travel and logistics costs are drastically reduced thanks to online training


Skill improvement guarantees the operational excellence of all employees

Training large numbers of new hires

All employees are onboarded through Speach video tutorials

Access on-demand

Speaches enable continuous learning and can be accessed on desktop, tablet or smartphone

Deliver the right information to the right employees when they need it