Harnessing the Power of Knowledge Sharing to Close the Skills Gap

Close skills gap

The manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries are facing a major challenge: a growing skills gap that threatens their competitiveness and innovation. According to a study by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute, the skills gap may leave an estimated 2.4 million positions unfilled between 2018 and 2028, with a potential economic impact of 2.5 trillion. 


The Origins of the Modern Skills Gap

The main reasons for this gap are the shifting skill sets due to the introduction of advanced technologies, the misperceptions of manufacturing jobs, the retirement of baby boomers, and the lack of technology skill sets.

Traditional top-down training models, where managers or trainers design and deliver standardized courses to employees, cannot keep up with the fast-changing training demands and preferences of the modern workforce. These models are often costly, time-consuming, ineffective, and inflexible. They do not take into account the individual needs, motivations, and learning styles of learners, nor do they leverage the existing knowledge and expertise within the organization.



Knowledge Sharing

A better option is to leverage the power of knowledge sharing, where subject matter experts (SMEs) create and share short, engaging, and interactive training videos with their peers in manufacturing and pharma. This approach has several benefits:

  • It empowers SMEs to share their valuable tacit knowledge and best practices with others, thus enhancing the collective intelligence and performance of the organization.
  • It enables learners to access relevant, timely, and personalized content on demand, at their own pace, and on any device, thus increasing their engagement, retention, and application of knowledge.
  • It reduces the cost, time, and complexity of training development and delivery, thus improving the efficiency and scalability of training programs.
  • It fosters a culture of continuous learning, collaboration, and innovation within the organization, thus enhancing its adaptability and competitiveness in the market.

A Better Way to Train

However, not all knowledge sharing platforms are created equal. To maximize the effectiveness and impact of knowledge sharing, it is important to choose a platform that is based on sound neuroscience principles and best practices. Speach is such a platform.

Speach is a software solution that allows SMEs to easily create, share, and store compliant corporate training videos in minutes. Speach leverages neuroscience to optimize training efficiency by taking into account factors such as mode (visual vs. auditory), duration (short vs. long), interactivity (active vs. passive), feedback (immediate vs. delayed), spacing (distributed vs. massed), testing (retrieval vs. restudy), and personalization (learner-centered vs. instructor-centered).



The Benefits of Speach

The best part about Speach is that it empowers subject matter experts (SMEs) to create and share engaging and interactive learning content in minutes. Speach combines the power of video with the interactivity of web to deliver immersive and personalized learning experiences that boost knowledge retention and learner engagement.

Whether you want to teach a new skill, share a best practice, or demonstrate a procedure, Speach helps you transform your expertise into captivating speaches that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

Speach also provides features such as:

  • A simple and intuitive interface that guides SMEs through the process of creating speaches (short videos with interactive elements) using templates, tips, and tools.
  • A rich media library that allows SMEs to enrich their speaches with images, sounds, animations, quizzes, polls, surveys, and more.
  • A secure cloud storage that allows SMEs to organize their speaches into categories, tags, playlists, and channels.
  • A social learning network that allows SMEs to share their speaches with their peers via email, QR code, or embedded link.
  • A powerful analytics dashboard that allows SMEs to track and measure the performance and impact of their speaches on learners.



Speach is more than just a video platform. It is a knowledge sharing solution that helps manufacturing and pharma companies close the skills gap by harnessing the power of their SMEs. Speach helps SMEs become trainers, learners become experts, and organizations become learning organizations.

To learn more about Speach and how it can help your company achieve its training goals, visit Speach or contact us at contact@speach.me.