How to Make Your Training Videos More Interactive for Manufacturing

Effective Manufacturing Training

Online training is becoming increasingly popular and necessary for many businesses in the manufacturing industry. However, creating effective and engaging training videos can be challenging.


Manufacturers want to make sure that training videos are not only informative but also interactive and accessible to all employees, regardless of their abilities, preferences, or backgrounds.


In this blog post, we will share some strategies to make training videos more interactive and accessible for manufacturing experts.


Add Links and Annotations to Provide Additional Context and Resources


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Links and annotations can be a great way to provide additional context and resources for your employees. Consider adding links and annotations to your training videos to enhance the learning experience and provide more value.


Links can help you direct your employees to external sources of information, such as websites, articles, or reports, that are relevant to the topic of your training videos. For example, you can add a link to a case study or a best practice guide that illustrates the application of a new skill or technique in the manufacturing industry.


Annotations can help you add notes, comments, or tips to your training videos, such as definitions, explanations, or examples. For example, you can add an annotation to clarify a technical term or to provide an example of how to use a new tool or equipment.


When adding links and annotations to your training videos, make sure that they are clear, relevant, and accurate, do not distract from the main content of your videos, and that they are easy to access and use.


Include Subtitles to Enhance Comprehension and Inclusion


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One of the most effective ways to make your training videos accessible is to include subtitles. Subtitles make it easier for people who are deaf or hard of hearing to follow along with the content. Additionally, subtitles can be helpful for people who are watching your videos in a noisy environment, such as a factory floor, or who are not native speakers of the language being spoken.


Subtitles can also enhance comprehension and retention for all your employees. Subtitles can help your employees process the information more easily, especially if you are using technical terms or jargon. Subtitles can also help your employees review the content more quickly and efficiently.


Ensure that Interactive Elements Function Correctly to Avoid Frustration and Confusion

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Interactive elements, such as quizzes and polls, can be a great way to engage your employees and test their knowledge. However, it's essential to make sure that these elements function correctly. Nothing is more frustrating and confusing for your employees than clicking on an interactive element and getting an error message or a wrong answer.


Test all interactive elements thoroughly before publishing your videos to ensure that they work as intended. Make sure that the interactive elements are compatible with different devices and browsers that your employees may use to access your training videos. 


Ensure that the interactive elements are clear and easy to use, and that they follow the best practices of user interface design. Some interactive elements may provide immediate and constructive feedback, such as explanations, hints, or suggestions, to help your employees learn from their mistakes and improve their performance.


By ensuring that the interactive elements function correctly, you can avoid frustration and confusion for your employees, and enhance their engagement and learning with your training videos.


Include a Table of Contents to Help Employees Navigate the Content More Easily


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A table of contents can be a helpful way to guide your employees through your training videos. Consider including a table of contents at the beginning of your videos to help your employees navigate the content more easily and enhance their learning outcomes.


A table of contents can help your employees find the information they need quickly and efficiently. By providing a clear overview of the topics and subtopics covered in your training videos, you can help your employees locate the specific sections they are interested in or need to revisit. This can save them time and frustration, and improve their satisfaction with your training videos.


A table of contents can also help your employees review the content more effectively. By providing a summary of the key points and objectives of each section, you can help your employees reinforce their learning and retention. This can also help them assess their progress and identify any gaps in their understanding.


When creating a table of contents for your training videos, make sure that it is clear, concise, and consistent. Use descriptive and informative titles for each section and sub-section. Use a logical and coherent order for the sections. Use appropriate formatting and styling to make the table of contents easy to read and follow.


Add Interactive Quizzes to Reinforce Key Concepts and Test Understanding


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Quizzes can be a great way to reinforce key concepts and test your employees' understanding. Consider incorporating many types of interactive quizzes into your training videos to make them more engaging and effective.

Polls to Gauge Opinions and Gather Feedback

Polls are a simple way to get your employees engaged and gather feedback. Consider adding a poll to gauge your employees' opinion on a particular topic or to gather feedback on your training videos. For example, you can ask your employees how confident they feel about applying a new skill or technique, or how satisfied they are with the quality of the video.


Open Questions to Encourage Discussion and Critical Thinking

Open-ended questions can be a great way to encourage discussion and critical thinking. Consider including open-ended questions in your training videos to prompt your employees to think more deeply about the content. For example, you can ask your employees how they would apply a new skill or technique in their own work context, or what challenges they anticipate facing.


Surveys to Gather Feedback and Improve Future Videos

Surveys can be a great way to gather feedback from your employees. Consider incorporating a survey into your training videos to gather feedback on the content, format, and delivery of your videos. For example, you can ask your employees what they liked or disliked about the video, what they learned or didn't learn, or what suggestions they have for improvement.


Graded Tests to Assess Understanding and Reinforce Key Concepts

Graded tests can be a great way to formally assess and track your employees' understanding of the content. Consider adding a graded test to your training videos to test your employees' knowledge and reinforce key concepts. For example, you can ask your employees multiple-choice or fill-in-the-blank questions based on the content of the video.


Simple Quizzes to Test Knowledge and Make Learning Fun

Simple quizzes can be a fun and engaging way for employees to guauge their own knowledge without a formal score. Consider incorporating simple quizzes into your training videos to make them more interactive and enjoyable. For example, you can ask your employees trivia questions related to the topic of the video, or challenge them with puzzles or riddles.




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Online training is a valuable and convenient way to provide your employees with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the manufacturing industry. However, to make your training videos effective and engaging, you need to make sure that they are interactive and accessible to all your employees.


In this blog post, we have shared some strategies you can use to make your training videos more interactive and accessible for manufacturing experts. These strategies include:


  • Adding links and annotations to provide additional context and resources
  • Including subtitles to enhance comprehension and inclusion
  • Ensuring that interactive elements function correctly to avoid frustration and confusion
  • Including a table of contents to help employees navigate the content more easily
  • Adding interactive quizzes to reinforce key concepts and test understanding


By applying these strategies, you can create training videos that are not only informative but also interactive and accessible.


To improve the learning experience and outcomes for your employees, and help them achieve their goals and potential, try Speach today!