3 Ways to Increase Collaboration in the Digital Factory

Collaboration in the factory

More and more factory workplaces are embracing technology and digital tools to enhance their work techniques, productivity, and ultimately, make their job and the workplace a better place to work.

Within the digital factory, there is always room for improvement, despite these recent advances. Management and leadership teams are constantly looking to improve knowledge sharing across all teams, departments, and aspects of the business. One simple way to increase knowledge sharing is to enhance and promote collaboration in the digital factory. Collaboration can not only foster new ideas, but it can lead to more productive employees and a higher bottom line. At Speach, we are happy to aid any factory workplace by increasing collaboration through the use of specific digital videos.


1. Discuss Collaboration Expectations

Ensure all of your employees or teammates know what is expected of them in terms of collaboration. This should always be an ongoing conversation from the moment an individual starts at your workplace. Initially, this can be shown through training videos or meetings with examples of effective collaboration between individuals, teams, or departments. With digital technology, knowledge sharing and collaboration have really never been easier, but sometimes we need to remind our teams of the collaborative tools they possess.


2. Promote A Community Work Environment

Even when certain jobs do not seem like they can be done collaboratively, there are ways to promote a community work environment. Firstly, ensure that everyone has a space and time to share their opinion. This is essential to knowledge sharing. Secondly, you can create a digital space to foster commentary, discussions, and more. Within the growth of industry 4.0, these digital spaces are becoming ever more important. Some jobs may focus more on the individual, however, by giving your team the space to share comments and suggestions with other teams or departments, even if it isn’t always face-to-face, you allow them to collaborate. Creating a community work environment can truly make a company thrive in industry 4.0.


3. Contact Speach for Digital Videos To Promote Collaboration

At Speach, we understand that the digital factory is constantly changing, which means our ways of collaboration may need to change as well. Our state-of-the-art knowledge sharing platforms and videos can be tailored to any company and ultimately increase the amount of collaboration that occurs. Contact us at Speach to learn how we can transform your workplace to keep up with the high set standards of industry 4.0.




Avoid the systematic nature of instantaneous communication: Asynchronous exchange should be the default communication mode to remain effective at a distance. Opt for a visual collaboration tool that retains the advantages of video (human connection and enhanced understanding of the message), conducive to taking a step back and being productive!