Create Effective Training Videos that meets employee's needs

Effective Training Video

Employee journey mapping is a process of visualizing the employee experience from hire to exit. Its goal is to determine areas for improvement and opportunities for value creation so you can retain and attract stellar employees and motivate them to do their best work.


In the manufacturing industry, employee journey mapping is especially important for creating effective training videos that meet employee needs at different stages.


Designing Effective Training Videos

Training videos are a powerful way to deliver information, instructions, and feedback to employees in a clear, engaging, and consistent manner. They can also help reduce costs, increase productivity, and ensure compliance with safety and quality standards.


However, not all training videos are created equal. Some may be too long, too boring, too complex, or too irrelevant for the intended audience. Some may fail to address the specific challenges, goals, and expectations of employees at different stages of their journey. Some may even contradict or confuse employees with outdated or inaccurate information.


To avoid these pitfalls, you need to design your training videos with employee journey mapping in mind. This means understanding the needs, preferences, and emotions of your employees at each stage of their journey, and creating training videos that match them. In this blog post, we will explain how to do that in more detail.



Effective training video

What is employee journey mapping?

Employee journey mapping is a technique that helps others understand the employee experience from their perspective. It involves identifying the key stages of the employee journey in your organization, the moments that matter most for your employees at each stage, the needs and emotions of your employees at each moment, and the gaps or opportunities for improvement.


An employee journey map is a visual representation of the employee journey that shows the interactions between the employee and the organization, as well as the employee’s thoughts and feelings along the way. It can help you identify pain points, highlight positive experiences, and uncover insights that can help you improve your employee experience.


Why is employee journey mapping important for creating effective training videos?

Employee journey mapping is important for creating effective training videos because it helps organizations tailor content and delivery to their audience and objectives. By understanding employees’ needs and emotions at different stages of their journey, organizations can create training videos that:

  • Provide relevant and timely information that helps employees achieve their goals or overcome their challenges
  • Use appropriate formats and styles that suit employees’ preferences and learning styles
  • Engage employees’ attention and interest by using interactive elements, stories, or humor
  • Address employees’ concerns or questions by providing clear explanations, examples, or feedback
  • Inspire employees’ motivation and confidence by providing recognition, incentives, or support

By doing so, organizations can create training videos that not only inform employees but also influence their behavior and attitude. This can lead to improved performance, satisfaction, retention, and loyalty.



Pharma training video


How to create effective training videos using employee journey mapping?


To create effective training videos using employee journey mapping, you need to follow these steps:


Define the stages of the employee journey

The first step is to identify the key stages of the employee journey in your organization. These may vary depending on your industry, culture, and structure, but some common stages are: recruitment, onboarding, development, performance, retention, and exit. For each stage, you should define the main objectives, tasks, and milestones for both the employee and the employer.



Identify the moments that matter

After defining stages it's time to pinpoint the moments that matter most for your employees at each stage of their journey. These are the critical touchpoints where employees interact with your organization, such as the first job interview, the first day at work, the first performance review, the first promotion, etc. These moments can have a lasting impact on employees’ opinions of their workplace, and they present opportunities to deliver relevant and timely training videos.



Map the employee needs and emotions

The third step is to map the needs and emotions of your employees at each moment that matters. You should consider what information, skills, feedback, or support they need to succeed in their role, as well as how they feel about their situation, challenges, and opportunities. You can use surveys, interviews, focus groups, or observation methods to collect this data from your employees or potential employees.



Create training videos that meet employee needs and emotions

Finally, create training videos that meet the needs and emotions of your employees at each moment that matters. You should use a combination of content, format, style, and delivery methods that suit your audience and your objectives.



Create effective training video


Video Training Creation Considerations By Employee Journey Stage

Follow the steps below as a guide for training video content creation depending on where an employee is in their employee journey. Different stages will demand different needs and considerations.


For recruitment stage

Consider using short and engaging videos that showcase your company culture, values, benefits, and opportunities. You can also use testimonials from current employees or managers who share their positive experiences working for your organization.



For onboarding stage

You can use interactive and informative videos that introduce new hires to your company policies, procedures, systems, and expectations. You can also use videos that demonstrate how to use equipment or machinery safely and correctly.



For development stage

Leverage instructional and motivational videos that teach new skills or knowledge that are relevant to your employees’ career goals or current projects. You can also use videos that provide feedback or recognition for their achievements or areas for improvement.



For performance stage

Try using analytical and evaluative videos that measure your employees’ progress or results against predefined standards or targets. You can also use videos that offer guidance or suggestions on how to improve their performance or overcome challenges.



For retention stage

Consider leveraging inspirational and appreciative videos that celebrate your employees’ contributions or milestones. You can also use videos that offer incentives or rewards for their loyalty or performance.



For exit stage

Try using respectful and supportive videos that thank your employees for their service or offer assistance for their transition. You can also use videos that solicit feedback or suggestions on how to improve your organization or processes.



By following these steps, you can create effective training videos that meet employee needs at different stages of their journey. This will help you enhance your employee experience, engagement, satisfaction, retention, and performance.



effective training video


How Speach can help you create effective training videos using employee journey mapping

At Speach, we understand the importance of employee journey mapping when creating training videos for the manufacturing industry. That’s why we offer a software solution that helps you create comprehensive and compliant training videos that are tailored to your audience and objectives.


With Speach, you can:

  • Easily create training videos using our intuitive interface and powerful features
  • Add interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, annotations, or links to enhance engagement and learning outcomes
  • Choose from a variety of interactive video options, such as webcam, screen share, synchronizing webcam and screen share, and more
  • Manage and update your training videos in a centralized and secure platform
  • Distribute your training videos to your employees via email, web, or mobile devices
  • Track and analyze the performance and impact of your training videos using our analytics dashboard

If you want to learn more about how Speach can help you create effective training videos that meet employee needs at different stages of their journey, contact us today for a free demo or trial.


We’d love to hear from you and show you how we can help you achieve your training goals!