Digitize SOP from Paper to Video

Digitize Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are essential for any organization that wants to ensure quality, consistency, and compliance in its operations.


SOPs document best practices and guidelines for performing specific tasks or processes, such as manufacturing, testing, or maintenance. SOPs are also required by various regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), or the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).


Traditional SOPs

However, many organizations still rely on paper-based SOPs, which are outdated, inefficient, and prone to errors. Paper SOPs are difficult to create, update, distribute, and access.


They are also hard to follow, especially for complex or technical procedures that involve multiple steps, tools, or equipment. Paper SOPs can also pose a risk of non-compliance, as they may not reflect the latest standards or regulations.


In this blog post, we will discuss why paper SOPs are no longer suitable for the modern manufacturing industry, and how video SOPs can offer a better alternative. We will also introduce Speach, a software solution that helps large pharmaceutical and industrial manufacturing companies create training videos that are comprehensive and GxP-compliant.


Why Paper SOPs Are Outdated

Paper SOPs have several drawbacks that make them unsuitable for the current and future needs of the manufacturing industry. Here are some of the main reasons why paper SOPs are outdated:

  • Paper SOPs are time-consuming and costly to produce and maintain. Creating paper SOPs requires a lot of resources, such as writing, editing, printing, and binding. Updating paper SOPs also involves a lot of work, such as revising, approving, distributing, and replacing the old versions. Paper SOPs also incur storage and disposal costs, as they need to be kept in secure and accessible locations.


  • Paper SOPs are difficult to access and use. Paper SOPs are often stored in physical locations, such as cabinets, shelves, or binders. This makes them hard to find and access when needed. Paper SOPs are also cumbersome to use, as they require manual flipping through pages, searching for relevant information, or cross-referencing with other documents. Paper SOPs can also be easily damaged, lost, or stolen.


  • Paper SOPs are not engaging or effective for learning and training. Paper SOPs are usually composed of text and images, which may not be sufficient to convey complex or technical information. Paper SOPs can also be boring or intimidating for learners, especially for new hires or non-native speakers. Paper SOPs can also lead to misunderstandings or mistakes, as they may not capture the nuances or details of the actual procedures.


  • Paper SOPs are not compliant with the latest standards or regulations. Paper SOPs may not reflect the most current or accurate information, as they may be outdated or inconsistent with the actual practices. Paper SOPs may also not comply with the latest requirements or expectations of the regulatory agencies, such as the FDA or EMA. Paper SOPs can also expose the organization to legal risks or penalties if they are found to be non-compliant.

Why Video SOPs Are Better

Video SOPs are a modern and innovative way of documenting and delivering standard operating procedures. Video SOPs use video as the primary medium to demonstrate and explain how to perform specific tasks or processes. Video SOPs can offer several benefits over paper SOPs, such as:

SOP digitalization



  • Video SOPs are easier and faster to create and update. Creating video SOPs do not require a lot of resources, as it can be done using simple tools and devices, such as cameras, microphones, or smartphones. Updating video SOPs is also simpler and quicker, as it only involves editing or replacing the video files. Video SOPs also do not incur storage or disposal costs, as they can be stored digitally in cloud servers or platforms.


  • Video SOPs are more accessible and user-friendly. Video SOPs can be accessed anytime and anywhere via online platforms or applications, such as websites, intranets, or mobile apps. Video SOPs are also easier to use, as they provide a clear and concise visual representation of the procedures, with audio narration or subtitles for additional guidance. Video SOPs can also be easily searched, filtered, or bookmarked for quick reference.


  • Video SOPs are more engaging and effective for learning and training. Video SOPs are more appealing and interactive for learners, as they use multimedia elements, such as animations, graphics, quizzes, and more to enhance the presentation of the information. Video SOPs are also more realistic and relevant for learners, as they show the actual scenarios, environments, or situations where the procedures take place. Video SOPs can also improve retention and comprehension of the information, as they appeal to multiple senses, such as sight, sound, or touch.


  • Video SOPs are more compliant with the latest standards or regulations. Video SOPs can ensure that the information is always up to date and accurate, as they can be easily modified or updated to reflect the latest changes or developments. Video SOPs can also adhere to the latest requirements or expectations of the regulatory agencies, such as the FDA or EMA, as they can provide evidence or proof of the procedures, such as timestamps, signatures, or validations. Video SOPs can also reduce the risk of non-compliance or penalties, as they can demonstrate the organization’s commitment and adherence to the standards or regulations.


How Speach Can Help You Digitize SOP to Video

Speach is a software solution that helps large pharmaceutical and industrial manufacturing companies create training videos that are comprehensive and compliant. Speach allows users to easily and quickly convert paper SOPs into video SOPs, using a simple and intuitive interface. With Speach, you can:

Process description



  • Create video SOPs from scratch or from existing documents. You can use Speach to create video SOPs from scratch, by recording your own videos, adding your own voiceovers, or importing your own media files. You can also use Speach to create video SOPs from existing documents, such as PDFs, Word files, or PowerPoint slides. Speach has the option to automatically add subtitles and translate them into dozens of languages.


  • Edit and enhance your video SOPs with various features and tools. You can use Speach to edit and enhance your video SOPs with various features and tools, such as trimming, adding annotations, inserting quizzes, polls, or surveys, or embedding links, documents, or other media files. You can also use Speach to customize your video SOPs with your own branding, logo, colors, and more.


  • Share and distribute your video SOPs with your target audience. You can use Speach to share and distribute your video SOPs with your target audience, such as employees, customers, partners, or regulators. You can publish your video SOPs on various LMS platforms or channels, such as websites, intranets, social media, or email.


  • Track and measure the performance and impact of your video SOPs. You can use Speach to track and measure the performance and impact of your video SOPs, such as views, completion rates, feedback scores, quiz results, or survey responses. You can also use Speach to generate reports or dashboards that provide insights and analytics on your video SOPs, such as trends, patterns, or gaps. You can also use Speach to integrate with other systems or tools that you use for data collection or analysis.

SOP's dashboard


Paper SOPs are outdated and inefficient for the modern manufacturing industry. Video SOPs are a better alternative that offer many benefits in terms of production, accessibility, learning, and compliance. Speach is a software solution that helps you digitize SOP to video in a simple and easy way. With Speach, you can create, edit, share, and track video SOPs that are comprehensive and compliant.

If you want to learn more about Speach, or request a free demo, please visit our website.